How to link a domain to your Cloud server?

In order for your Cloud server to work with your domain, you'll need to configure the domain's DNS correctly. The approach will vary depending on the situation:

Recommended: Configure Private Nameservers on Your Server

To activate private nameservers, your Cloud server simply needs 2 or more IP addresses (after the first IP additional IPs are available at a monthly cost of 2.50$/month). Contact support to request the activation of your private nameservers.

The advantages of using private nameservers on your server are that changes made within the cPanel will automatically be taken into account and new domains can be provisioned without needing to manually update IP addresses with an external DNS provider.

Otherwise, the following 2 options are available:

If your domain name is registered with Web Hosting Canada

You can activate the Domain Manager to change the "A Record" of your domain and point it to the IP of your server. The IP address of your server was sent to you in your welcome email.

The DNS of your domain should be updated to:

If you have activated the Domain Manager PRO, use the following DNS:

If your domain name is registered with a different provider

If your current provider offers a DNS hosting service, ask them to update the primary "A Record" of the domain to the IP addess of your server. The IP address of your server was sent to you in your welcome email.

If your provider does not offer a DNS hosting service, you can either:
1) transfer your domain name to Web Hosting Canada and activate the Domain Manager
2) order the Domain Manager Pro service 
3) Activate a private DNS server on your server directly

Make sure your server is configured to accept requests for your domain/subdomain

In order for your server to respond to requests it receives to serve website content, you need to ensure that you have created either:
1) a cPanel account with the domain name in question (this is generally done from the WHM)
2) a parked or addon domain in a cPanel account, with the correct domain name or subdomain.
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